The Boston Massacre

Problems that arose from the Stamp Act
  1. England still needed money
  2. Tensions had grown between the British and the Colonials.
  3. The colonials victory had given them a lot of confidence.

England make big mistakes

  • England kept on trying to bring in more taxes causing more and more upheavel.
  • As tensions grew English Parliament dispatches 2 regiments from New York to Massachuttes to keep the peace. In 1768 4 more regiments sailed from England to America.

On March 5, 1770
Crowds of colonials gathered in Boston and began to heckle at English soldiers looking for ways to stir a fight. The Colonials threw ice, oyster shells, snow and rocks at the soldiers. Panic set in and the guards
began to fire. After two minutes 5 people lay dead and another 10  injured on the streets.

Chrisbus Attucks The first martyr of the American Revolution.

1. List five things you notice in the image.
2. What is your response or reaction to this image? Why? Be sure to use specific examples from the
image to explain your response.
3. What response or reaction do you think a colonist at the time might have to this image? Why? Be
sure to use specific examples from the image to explain your response.

4. What impact or effect (if any) do you think color has on this image? Explain your thinking.

1. List five things you notice in the image.
2. What is your response or reaction to this image? Why? Be sure to use specific examples from the image to explain your response.
3. What response or reaction do you think a colonist at the time might have to this image? Why? Be

4. How are these images alike? Use specific examples.5. How are these images different? Use specific examples.

Final Reflection
Write a letter to a friend in a different American colony, telling them of the news of the Boston Massacre.  Include in your letter the events of the Massacre, as well as your opinion of the event. Do you consider it a massacre? Why or why not? Who do you blame, if anyone, for the deaths of the five American colonists? Should anyone go to trial? Should the British troops stay or leave Boston?Be sure to explain the reasons for your opinions and tell how Revere’s and Bufford’s images have affected your opinion.
You must give at least two ways these images have influenced you.
                                                                                  March 10, 1770
Dear ___________________________,

sure to use specific examples from the image to explain your response.