The Stamp Act

The Stamp Act 1765

The English needed money and taxes were a great way of getting money. In 1765 the English parliament passed the Stamp Act which was a cost on a stamp which had to be placed on everything from playing cards to official documents. Everyone in the thirteen colonies in America would have to pay this tax.

How do you think this made the people feel?


Why would the colonials be angry?

Write three reasons why the colonials would be angry in the comments area.

Your Task
Answer These Questions in your copy.

When was the Stamp Act passed?

Why was the Stamp Act passed?

What did the Stamp Act call for?

How did colonists react to the Stamp Act? Give three examples:


Using the answers you have written write a script for a podcast in your hardback listen to the podcast below for some ideas on how you should write your script.

Task 2:Group Work

The Stamp Act Interview: You are to choose two people in the list below to interview about their experience and view of the Stamp Act and how the colonies reacted to it. You are to come up with both questions and answers for the interview. You are to use the Interview worksheet to complete this part. Each interview should have at least 5 questions and answers and should last 2-5 minutes.

Possible Interview Choices:
  • Samuel Adams: member of the Sons of Liberty and creator of the Committee of Correspondence.
  • Andrew Oliver: a distributer of stamps who was hung “in effigy” and who’s house was burned down by an angry mob in Boston
  • Governor Bernard: Governor of Massachusetts in 1765; offered a reward for information regarding the destruction of Oliver’s home.
  • William Pitt: member of the British Parliament who argued that the colonies were right in protesting taxes imposed by Britain.

In groups of three complete the interview: each person will have a job: one will be the interviewer, 2 people will be from the list above.